Currently Highway District No. 1 maintains approximately 113 miles of road in and around New Plymouth, Fruitland and Payette which are located within Payette County Idaho.  The  District currently has seven full-time employees and three commissioners who are dedicated to keeping the roads safe and in good condition.  If you have any questions or concerns we are here to serve you so please do not hesitate to e-mail us or give us a call at 208-278-3041 and we will do our best to resolve the situation or answer any of your questions.
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Highway District No. 1 | 3890 NW 1st Avenue,  New Plymouth,  Idaho 83655 
Phone 208-278-3041 | Fax 208-278-5069 | Monday thru Thursday 6:30 am - 5:00 pm
Highway District No. 1 was originally known as the Good Roads District #1 and was established  in the late 1800's with official records dating back to 1906; the District was then formed Highway District No. 1 on April 7, 1919 and is the oldest highway district in Idaho.  The Highway District is a proud member of the Idaho Association of Highway Districts or IAHD which has given highway districts an effective unified voice to promote the interests of highway districts across Idaho since 1928.  
A Bit of History:

Public Notice

Highway District No. 1 will be holding an election for the position of Commissioner for sub-district 3 in May.  If you are interested in running for this position you must live in sub-district 3, but not inside the city limits of New Plymouth; you can look on the map to see rather you do or not.

If you would like to run, you must have your declaration of candidacy and petition for candidacy to the Highway District Clerk on or before March 21, 2025, by 5:00 pm MST.  

Please click here for the map and click here for the paperwork.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk either by calling 208-278-3041 or email [email protected]